Monday, August 5, 2013

It's a good thing I'm tall...

Today we had a couple of hours of orientation at our school. When I pulled up there were people EVERYWHERE. Apparently today is one of the days the kids can come and get their schedules, lockers, and pay any fees.

I learned a few things in my subtle observations of the natives:

1) They're a lot bigger and taller than second graders.

2) It's much harder to tell how old someone is when they get this big. (I have a gift for pinpointing an elementary school students age...  not so much middle school students)

3) Most of them still looked terrified and followed closely behind their parents, listening to everything they said (I bet the parents wished this happened more often).

One of the parents is the office manager at my apartment and I ran into her in the building. She was saying how she wished they could walk to the academic classrooms but that they were closed off for construction. I wanted to be like "You're telling me!! I currently have no classroom!" Turns out that her daughter will be in my 3rd hour pre-algebra class. Fun!

I also got to see my class rosters! I have one class that has 29 students (umm... ahh!) and the rest have 25-26. I texted a good friend from my school last year who teaches 1st grade and asked how he would like 29 students. He said I could keep them.

The district gave us some great bedtime reading material today. They supplied all 120 new teachers with a new copy of Harry Wong's First Days of School. Believe it or not, I spent about 10 minutes trying to locate my copy of the book just last night only to decide it's in my parents basement. How fortuitous.

Tomorrow we have math curriculum meetings in the morning and then more building orientation in the afternoon. It is the last day of new teacher in-service and then the whole school comes back on Wednesday. Exciting!

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